Thursday, December 29, 2011


Izzie is really into washing dishes and cleaning the kitchen right now.  Max and Soni are loving a vaccuum  Kids -- I am going to show you this when you are older and when it is time to make the chore chart :)

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Reading the Paper

I took Sonya to her last visit with the GI specialist - thankfully she is over her milk intolerance.  She was so funny in the waiting room.  She insisted on sitting in her own chair and reading the paper.  She sat like this the whole time we waited to be called -- people were coming out from the back of the hospital to look at her :)

Sunday, December 4, 2011


I found the girls watching a Winnie-the -Pooh Christmas special together (Max was asleep).  SO cute!!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Choo choo

One of our favorite activities is watching the kids play together.  Here are some fun shots of them playing baby train and also having some fun with Papa and the train set.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving Week

Whew! It was a busy week.  It started with a great date night for Adam and I.  We went to dinner and saw John Prine in concert.  Hearing him sing Angel From Montgomery was a highlight for me.  It was an amazing concert.  We then went into moving frenzy reorganizing the house to move Sonya into her own room.  We are still working on the reorganization, but I think the new accommodations with help everyone get some better sleep :) During this time Adam and I attended Isobel's Thanksgiving party at school.  The plan was to bring Max and Sonya, but they fell asleep.  Here are some photos of the event:

 Izzie in her turkey hat

Her teacher Ms. Daisy

Adam and Izzie during circle time sing along

Izzie has all of sudden started drawing faces all over the place.  
She made this with chalk outside while I was at work.  Pretty Cool huh :)

We had burritos one night this week and here is Soni eating a burrito as big as her head 
(LaBambas at UIUC in case you missed the reference :) 

We had a great dinner with our friends Ben and Ivi, sadly all the photos came out really dark.  They will be around a lot so more photos to come.  The day after thanksgiving Adam went Griswald and put up the lights.... kidding, it actually turned out beautiful.  We also took some wonderful holiday photos of the kids.

Some funny quotes of the week:

After explaining to Izzie about being thankful I asked her what she was thankful for.  She said 'I am thankful that Santa Clause will bring me candy....'

Izzie was crying and we asked her what was hurting, she said 'my feeling are hurting.'  :( 
We asked her where we should put the band aide and she said on her cheek.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

What you say.....

Max and Sonya are starting to talk.  So far we have Mama, Dada, and Ball.  They have full conversations with each other, we have no idea what they are saying but we love to listen in.  My favorite is when I leave them in a crib together.... I usually hear them giggling away.  


We had Albuquerque Nana and Tata over for Halloween this year.  It was so much fun taking all three kids out this year.

so nice to finally be able to go out all together

Izzie coloring with Tata, her second favorite activity after play-doh

Izzie B, Bumble Bee

I am Batman

Ms Raggedy Ann -- this costume was too small for Soni.  When Adam tried to take it off she screamed bloody murder.  When he tried to put another costume on her, she tore it off and threw it at him and ran off holding the Raggedy Ann costume.  I guess Soni is a girl who knows what she wants. 

Starting School

Izzie finally started school at Carebear Preschool.  It was a challenging beginning, but she is finally getting used to it (fast than I thought). 

First Day

Making Monster Cookies at the Halloween Party

First homework assignment: Disguise Tom Turkey so he can escape Thanksgiving dinner :)
We had a blast doing this together. 

What Max and Sonya were up to while Izzie was at school -- next year they will be joining her :)

more Izzie stories...

Izzie's first peanut butter n jelly sandwich.....I think she liked it :)

This photo cracks me up.  I found a raisin in Charlie's (the kid's rocking horse) mouth.  Izzie thought he was hungry.

Izzie was very concerned that Charlie would be sad sleeping alone so the octopus kept him company :)


Izzie discovers playdoh...

Walkin' in your shoes.....

 We were cleaning up one evening and found this :)