Monday, April 23, 2012

summer fun

Whew! It is already getting hot out... so we have been having fun playing with water in the yard.

Izzie just competed Earth Week in school and has been interested in gardening.  Adam is currently in the process of making planter boxes in the yard (photos coming soon).  We will see if we are able to grow anything -- or just get muddy! Here is a fun one of Max and Soni watching Blues Clues.

The verbal skills of all three kids are really improving.  Max and Soni are starting to string words together, and Izzie is sounding more and more like a big kid.  She is reasoning and bargaining already!

Monday, April 16, 2012


The kids did great at swim class today.  Izzie swam the width of the pool and back by herself, and the twins dove to the bottom of the pool and grabbed rings (with assistance).  I got them goggles after class and they wore them most of the afternoon.  Max was the one who kept them on the longest!

Max was hysterical mowing the lawn in his goggles. 
 I had to include all the photos because I couldn't decide which was best!

 Izzie in her goggles.

Soni took her's off first -- here she is taking photos of herself.  
You cannot tell in the photo, but she is holding up the camera, saying 'cheese', and taking a photo.

Izzie still does this.... and I still love it!

More funny funny.....

Me: Soni.....'Mama'
S: Mama
M: Daddy
S: Daeeeee
M: Izzie
S: EEEEEZieeee
M: Maxo
S: Makeeee
M: Soni

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Gender Differences

I have probably said this before, but I am always amazed at how early gender difference show up with my kids.  While playing outside yesterday -- Soni sat with me on the swing (she is a lounger and a reader -- who does she get that from ;), Izzie practiced tricks on the roller coaster, and Max ignored all the toys... instead he spent hours throwing rocks at our bird feeder.  Cracks me up!

In other news: I picked up Izzie from school today and she had exciting news.  There are cocoons in her classroom.  Today they started shaking and while the kids watched out popped butterflies!!! She was so excited -- I can't wait for her to tell the story over dinner tonight.

Easter 2012

Fun times this year! The kids were greeted in the morning with big stuffies in their chairs, harmonica's on their place mats and pancakes for breakfast!  We headed off to the aquarium today where they were having an egg hunt.  We finished off the afternoon at Rainforest Cafe for lunch -- and home for a much needed nap.  Later in the day our friends Juan and Nachie came over for leftover Hero cake and more egg hunting.  It was such a fun day. 

Adam teaching the kids how to play their harmonicas

 Kids in their Easter finery

 Izzie petting a star fish

 All Max and Sonya said was 'fishie, fishie, ...'

After her nap, Soni sat at her table reading for a while. She knows most of her books by name -- 
her favorites are Smile and Goodnight Chicago. 

God means something different to everyone -- and we operate with the feeling that it is our behavior that makes us better people, not our beliefs -- but on days like today, I cannot help but feel the heartbeat of  a  universal collective.  Thank you for this beautiful family! 

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Hero Party

With the addition of two more when Izzie was 18 months it was a challenge to figure out room assignments and sleeping arrangements.  It was a while before we got everyone situated in their own room and in their own bed.  During this time Izzie had a hard time sleeping by herself -- so Adam talked to her about having a Hero Party (she said she was scared in her own room by herself).  They decided that if she was able to sleep on her own she could have her own Hero Party like Pooh Bear.  We made her a sticker chart and everything!  Well, she did it -- and she also potty trained at the same time! We are so proud of you Izzie!!

After we sang For she's a jolly good fellow -- I asked, 'who wants cake?' and all three kids simultaneously yelled 'ME!!!'

Friday, April 6, 2012

fun times...

We are continuing to play and learn and grow.... and love being together!

 Izzie at gymnastics

feels good to be a gangsta....

All three kids are talking more and more.... this is a big temper tantrum stage, and as challenging as that can be, it is interesting to see the sibling reaction.  When one child is having a temper tantrum the other two usually go and check to see if s/he is ok -- sometimes even trying to give them a toy to make them feel better. Very cute!

Izzie hurt herself yesterday evening and in-between crying she yelled "I broke myself, I broke myself!'

Izzie: Why don't we have a cat and a dog?
Me: Because they don't clean up their pee/poopoo.
Izzie: Can we get a red dog and a purple cat? 
Me: Who is going to clean up after them? 
Izzie: Mamma and Pappa
Me: But we already clean up after three kids!
Izzie: No Mom, I go in the potty!
Adam: Just skip Kindergarten and sign her up for law school now.

Max and Sonya are now saying thank you, welcome, and mushroom.

Milestone Alert!!! Soni made it on to the growth curve!!! YAY!