Thursday, May 24, 2012


So far we have been in the pool almost everyday -- the kids started swim class at the beginning of the year and they are doing so well.  Izzie is already able to swim 50 ft!! She loves the water and we have a hard  time getting any of the kids out of the pool.

 All the little fish in the cave -- or house, as Max likes to call it.

Sonya put caution tape all over herself and Max. 
 A funny thing she does is put a hat or something (like tape) on 
and walk around saying 'cute, cute'.   

Dinosaur Museum

We have had a fun month so far -- Mother's Day Tea at Izzie's school:

And a fun visit with Auntie Vesna from Chicago.  We went to the Dinosaur museum and out for Spaghetti.

 That is a pretty big chicken bone....


 Digging for bones :)

While the girls are working hard...... 
 Max is looking good!

 Adam taught all the kids to suck up spaghetti :) 

Max cuddling with Vesna Auntie!

Summer Fun!

Let's do a bit of catching up.  We are just starting the summer and I feel like so much has happened already -- why don't we just launch into the photos:

We had a fun visit with Nana and Tata.  For some reason the kids 
love to clean -- lets hope this continues :)

 Adam has been traveling a lot -- which has not been fun, but the gifts he brings
home are fun! Here is the awesome airplane he brought the kids from the company
he visited in France.


Awwwww! So cute!

 Izzie.... what are you doing??
Pilates... (I showed her this photo from a few months ago, she has some memory!)

Max and Sonya are now saying two and three word sentences -- and listening to the three kids have conversations is hysterical.  Sonya is awnry and charming all at the same time.  She says 'go away' and 'oh! no!'  Max is such a funny little boy -- 'freeze bobos' and 'Aw Man' -- which sounds like Amen.   He runs on his toes and looks like he is bouncing around the house.  Izzie said the funniest thing the other day.....'Mom, I am not a princess! Soni is a princess, Max is a gentleman princess, and I am the King'!  Then a week later she said she was a fireman princess!  Is it any wonder we laugh all day every day? 

Thursday, May 3, 2012

We all scream....

When I imagined family life several scenes popped to mind -- one of which was everyone crowded around a little wobbly table at the local ice cream shop.  Sticky fingers and faces and discussions of favorite flavors and toppings.  Here was our first ice cream (frozen yogurt actually) outing, and it was everything I'd imagined it would be.


I have been thinking about starting a garden with the kids for a while -- when Izzie cam home with a little planter full of seeds and a lot of questions we thought now was the perfect time.   Sadly, there wasn't too much variety at the plant store, I guess we were starting a bit late -- but we still managed to make some exciting selections -- we planted herbs, aloe, berries, eggplant, and squash.  We also got some sunflower, watermelon and cucumber seeds.  I think Max and Sonya think the planter is a sandbox -- but it is still fun! We also planted a fig, apple and pineapple guava tree.

Our watermelon is already starting to grow! The kids are so excited to see this process.
We are outside several times a day to check for changes.