Saturday, March 19, 2011

watch me grow...

Up until now we have been recording Izzie's growth by the pantry in the kitchen.  I knew we needed a better option because that wall was about to get really crowded, also I wanted to be able to take our growth charts with us in case we moved.  I couldn't find one online I liked -- so, I decided to make some (three to be exact).

The tops are personalized for each child -- Soni sunshine, Max o' monkey,  and Izzie Bee.

I decided to add footprints underneath each height marker.  How fun to watch growing footprints climb the chart :)

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant Momma! Can't wait to see the foot prints when they are 15 ;) Love this blog and your ideas...keep them coming. Make sure not to forget to post pics of these adorable babes
