A few exciting things have happened in the past few days. Soni has quickly gone from scooting a few inches to army crawling across the room. A soon as I can figure out posting videos we can start adding new media to our family book. Here she is checking out grass for the first time.
Mr Max has slept through the past three nights in a row (YEA!).
Max and Soni chilaxin' on the couch
Trivia Question: What was Izzie's first word?
Now that Izzie is two I have to be creative about her educational activities. She is a girl on the move, and can't stay still for a moment. She is pretty good with her ABCs and can recite her numbers, but doesn't really know what two means -- just that it comes after one. So here are some activities I came up with so she can practice numbers and still keep moving.
Hopscotch with sidewalk chalk
and counting fish with tongs during snack time (I could have picked this up from one of the mom blogs I read, but I cannot remember which).
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