Wednesday, July 18, 2012

2012 summer update

So what is happening with us - lost of posts with photos, but not enough words.... so here is one with only words :)

Lets see, Adam is traveling alot for work -- but Nana and Tata are making many visits to help while he is gone.

Isobel is doing well in gymnastics and swimming -- she is currently learning the breast stroke and the dolphin swim -- and doing awesome! Her gymnastics coach is very impressed with her balance and they took photos of her to post by the equipment to help the other kids!! Trying to get some copies for the blog :)  She is such a clever little girl and really keeps us on our toes.

Adam: Where did you get these new shoes Izzie
Izzie: (giving the Adam the look) From the store.....  

I love how everything is beautiful, and amazing, and awesome!! I hope she keeps that zest for life forever!

Mad Max is moving right along.  He is starting to speak in sentences and is starting to express his dislike for not getting his way.  He is getting better as swimming, but we think he likes running more -- soccer may be in his future.  We are noticing that he has some rhythm and like dancing -- hmmmm. Max likes to sleep with his O-pus, and Panda :)

Soni-Lu likes things just so.  She needs to sleep with all of her stuffed animals in place.  She also seems to like music, art and reading more that physical exercise -- but she still is a daredevil swimmer!! Also a climber, gymnastics may also be in her future.  Her verbal skill are also great -- and she often asks Max 'What doing Maki?'

Another thing I think is adorable is that Max and Soni refer to each other and Izzie as brother and sister instead of calling them by name.

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