Tuesday, September 25, 2012

more funny funny....

It is like a comedy show around our house -- someone is saying something hysterical all the time:

A little boy hugged Sonya in school and Max was MAD! NO HUG SISTER MINE! Adam's response - My Boy!

Soni threw her dinner on the floor the other night, so I took this to mean she was finished.  After getting her down from her high chair she put her hands on her hips and said I NEED CAKE RIGHT NOW! Oh boy -- we are so in for it when she is a teenager ;)  On another note -- she calls the bellybutton a belly butt and is sure to emphasize the butt part.  Hysterical!

Izzie reasoning skills are growing exponentially! She asked Nani why she is only here when Papa is not.  We explained to her that Nana and Tata come when Papa travels to help out.  She thought about it for a bit and nodded.  Then she asked why Papa doesn't sleep at home when he goes to work (when he travels we just tell the kids he is working) -- I told her that when his meetings are far away he needs to sleep there until the meeting is done.  I would never think a three year old could put that all together.      

1 comment:

  1. Love reading these hilarious stories! Such a sweet, sweet family! Miss you guys!
