Thursday, September 6, 2012


Izzie traced her alphabet for the first time today! She wanted to do it on a large cardboard box, so I though a picture would be easier than saving the whole thing :)  Max and Sonya did awesome in preschool today! They are only a few weeks in and are getting comfortable with the schedule.  Sonya loves art -- we were coloring today, she draws something and says 'I made purple' or 'I made green', then she holds it right up to my nose and says 'LIKE IT? LIKE IT?' So funny!  Max is also constantly cracking us up -- he is obsessed with the gardner and the pest control man.  He is always asking when they are coming!  I think he is imitating the gardner in the following photo.  Another one -- I asked him this morning what he dreamed about -- and he said 100 wishes :) 

I always ask the kids what their favorite part of school was, and the answer is always the same: Soni -- snack, Max -- toys, Izzie -- singing :)

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