Thursday, August 23, 2012

Max and Soni turn 2!

It seems that a tradition is forming in our household -- the birthDAY is becoming the birthWEEK.  today was the final, and third, celebration of Max and Soni's birthday.  The first was in San Diego, the second was cake at home, and the third during school.  We had our neighbors Juan and Nachie over for cake -- yummy! Then the twins started preschool with another celebration.  The first week of school went well this week -- of course they have Izzie helping them, and she is a pro by now! They are still getting used to it but got a great report from their teacher Ms Becky.  Something funny -- Max and Soni are now turned around in their car seat, and Max has become quite the backseat driver :) Now when I drive the kids I hear 'Watch out Mama' 'Car coming' 'Careful Mama' --- it is kinda cute -- except for when he is quiet for a while and then all of a sudden I hear WATCH OUT MAMA for no reason! 

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