Monday, August 13, 2012

San Diego!

We wondered what to do for Max and Sonya's second birthday this year.  August in Arizona is not a great time for a birthday party at home -- so we decided to take a trip to the beach!  We played in the sand, went to Leggoland and to the Zoo Safari, enjoyed the week with the Clem family, and had a birthday party.  Very eventful....and we all got really sick with the flu.  The funny thing is that people tell us they are sorry our vacation was ruined, but it wasn't. Even though we were coughing and sneezing -- we were together, and loving it.  We spent the week sleeping in the same room and it was pretty cool.  We brought the kids sound machine, and Sonya would wake up in the middle of the night, turn it on and fall back asleep to Twinkle Twinkle.  We would all sit together sneezing and coughing and we would all take turns saying "bless you" and "doing ok" -- even the little ones! So beautiful to see everyone so loving at such a young age.  So vacation ruined.... nope!  

 Isobel's first sand castle

 Izzie insisted on trying to win the stuffed animal herself -- 
and she did it in two tries!

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